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Oman lifts curfew until start of Ramadan

With the curfew lifted from today until the start of Ramadan, it has given many a reason to rejoice.

Oman had imposed a partial lockdown from March 28 till April 8 from 8pm to 5am. The lockdown applied to all commercial activities as well individual and vehicular movements. In an effort to curb the increasing number of infected cases of COVID-19 cases, the lockdown was imposed, along with various other measures.

Oman has also stopped allowing visitors to the country effective from today. Only residents and citizens are allowed entry into Oman.

The 7-day institutional quarantine continues to be mandated in Oman, with only Omani citizens exempted from the same. Omanis however must undergo home quarantine and abide by all necessary related measures.

Though the relaxation in curfew is only short, many are happy as it gives a breather from the rush that prevailed as the time clocked near to the curfew hours.


Times of Oman

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