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Oman issues new law regulating drone usage

New rules regulating drone usage could result in fines of up to OMR 600 for unsafe deployment of drones in the Sultanate.

The rules, released by the Civil Aviation Authority, will streamline the usage of drones in Oman with fees ranging between OMR 25 and OMR 500 for permits.

The authority will issue a one-year renewable license, provided that the applicant is at least 18 years old, the plane is insured and the user has a license or training to use the aircraft.

The decision classifies drones into three categories based on their weight. Drones which are less than 5 kg, aircraft with mass ranging from 5 to 25 kg and aircraft weighing more than 25 kg.

The fee for obtaining a license for aircraft with a mass of more than 5 kg ranges between OMR 400 to 500 for large commercial companies and between OMR 150 to 300 for small businesses and government institutions.


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