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Oman issues COVID-19 vaccine guidelines for pregnant women

The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines that must be followed for pregnant women taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

– Go to the nearest center to receive the vaccine if you have completed the third month of pregnancy (13 weeks or more).

– Bring your health record when attending the vaccination center.

– If you have received any other vaccine, you must wait two weeks before taking the COVID-19 vaccine.

– If you were previously infected with COVID-19, you must receive the vaccine within 4 weeks from the date of full recovery.

– If you have some symptoms such as fever and headache, you must go to the nearest health center.

– If you have any known history of hypersensitivity to any vaccine, consult your doctor before taking the vaccine.

The Director General of Disease Control stated that pregnant women have been added to the list of those targeted for vaccination, and the vaccines used in the Sultanate are safe for this category.


Times of Oman

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