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Oman issues Covid-19 safety guidelines for malls, restaurants

Oman issued safety measures for malls and restaurants to limit the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid 19).

The safety measures include organizing the process of entry of customers in batches, wearing masks, social distancing (two meters) between customers, sterilizing shopping carts, and providing sterilizers to customers.

The Ministry indicated that these measures must be adhered to at all times to limit the transmission of infection. The ministry also urged to avoid shopping during the peak period, which is between 7 pm and 10 pm.

The Ministry also called on consumers to take advantage of the online shopping options provided by many of the centers and restaurants.

The Ministry also called on the owners of commercial centers and restaurants to ensure that workers in the field of home delivery service follow the necessary preventive measures in order to ensure their safety and the safety of homeowners.


Times of Oman

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