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Oman Issued Guideline To Regulate Mobile Vendors

In an effort to regulate mobile vendors business activities, and in application of municipal regulations that ensure the preservation of the urban facade, guidelines have been issued, said Muscat Municipality.

Muscat Municipality wishes to inform the public that requirements to carry out these business activities have been reorganised to ensure they are practised within a legal and healthy framework, while adhering to the proper conditions and procedures, as follows:

1- Only Omanis can engage in this business, and it is prohibited to employ expatriate workers all over Muscat Governorate.

2- Those wishing to engage in mobile vending business must apply for an initial approval, and to commit not to practice it without obtaining a final approval from the municipality located in the requested wilayat.

3- All licensed vendors must adhere to the stipulated health requirements while carrying out these activities.

Muscat Municipality pointed out that the work is underway to reallocate the sites dedicated to mobile vending businesses.


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