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Oman: Dress code for shopping malls in Muscat discussed

A municipal council of the Omani capital Muscat has discussed a proposal to issue a decree or a local order to enforce a code on decent dressing for going to shopping centres, a media reported said today.

To further discuss the issue, the council’s Public Affairs Committee listened to representatives from the Royal Oman Police, the Ministry of Social Development and the Muscat Municipality as well as shopping malls, online newspaper Shabiba reported.

They underlined the necessity of setting rules including awareness regulations and enforcing the Omani Disciplinary Law No 7/2018 and its article 294/A that makes it a punishable offence the appearance in public in a manner that outrages public decency or violates the Omani society’s traditions, according to the report.

The council also discussed the housing of foreign workers at construction sites disfiguring the public view and without observing safety measures.

Members of the council and representatives of the government bodies concerned demanded that such labour accommodation be regulated in line with conditions and specifications set by the Muscat authorities.


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