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Oman: Death rate remains unchanged despite pandemic

Despite the deaths from COVID-19, Oman’s death rate in 2020 remains the same compared to previous years.

According to figures released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI), 4,480 people died in the first six months of 2020, which is roughly the same as the half the number of deaths that have been reported in the last few years.

In 2019, 8,581 deaths were reported while in 2018 the numbers stood at 8,979. 2017 saw 8,861 deaths, and 2016, another 8,828.

In 2020, among the 4,480 deceased, 3,678 were Omani, and only 802 were expats. Among the Omanis who’ve passed away in 2020, 2,092 were male, and 1,586 were female. This is in comparison to 684 male and 118 female expatriates who’ve died so far this year. While the death rate over the span of a year might be unchanged, the half-yearly death rate for 2020 is significantly higher than it has been over the past.

Compared to the end of June 2019, when 3,749 deaths had been reported, the number of deaths during the same period in 2020 rose by 19.4 per cent. Similarly, the number of deaths in the first six months in 2020 rose by 19.2 per cent, compared to the same time frame in 2018.


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