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Oman: Cyclone-hit families to get 1,000 riyal relief

Oman has announced an immediate relief of 1,000 riyals for families affected by Tropical Cyclone Shaheen as rescue and relief efforts continue on a war footing.

The Ministerial committee set up by a royal decree, specifically for assessing the effects and losses due to the cyclone, which is assessing the damage, is expected to recommend further aid and measures for the families impacted by the cyclone.

Towns in the interior regions, including Khaboura, that bore the brunt of the severe weather condition, are being served by the teams of civil defense authority, the NCEM (National Committee for Emergency Management) and Royal Oman Police. Food, water, and other essential supplies are being delivered to these places through helicopters.

The municipality teams have begun the restoration work on roads. The NCEM has also announced that hotel apartments with rations for families residing in areas where electricity service could not be restored, will be provided.


Gulf News

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