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Oman: Cancer more prevalent among women, says MOH report

Out of the 2000 cancer cases reported in Oman, 53 per cent of them were females, the last report issued by the Ministry of Health stated.

The Ministry of Health, represented by the National Cancer Registry issued recently its annual Cancer Incidence Report in Oman 2017. According to the report, 127 cases were registered among Omani children belonging to the age group of 14 years and below.

The National Cancer Registry (NCR) report indicates that the breast cancer is the most common cancer among females in the Sultanate, followed by thyroid cancer, and colorectal cancer, while the most common cancer types among males are first colorectal cancer followed by the prostate and then the Non-Hodgkin lymphoma disease.

The report indicated that the number of recorded tumor cases in 2017 reached 2,101 cases including 90.05 per cent cases among Omanis, 8.95 per cent cases among residents, and 0.9 per cent cases of Carcinoma in situ among Omanis.

The number of cancer cases among Omani males reached 887 which equal to 46.9 per cent compared to 53.1per cent cases among Omani females with total 1,005 cases.


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