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Oman: Black fungus infection detected in COVID-19 patients

Oman’s Health Ministry reported on Tuesday that three COVID-19 patients have become infected with mucormycosis, a life-threatening condition commonly known as “black fungus,” which has spread quickly among virus patients in India.

Although relatively rare, the disease has raised alarm among authorities that its sudden increase could complicate efforts to combat COVID-19. It wasn’t immediately clear what condition the three patients were in.

Mucormycosis is caused by exposure to mucor mold, which is commonly found in soil, air and even in the nose and mucus of humans. It spreads through the respiratory tract and erodes facial structures. Sometimes, doctors have to surgically remove the eye to stop the infection from reaching the brain.

The fungal infection preys on patients with weakened immune systems and underlying conditions, particularly diabetes, as well as overuse of certain over-the-counter COVID-19 medication, like steroids. Uncontrolled blood sugar can put immunocompromised people at a higher risk of contracting the disease.


Al Arabiya

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