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Oman begins administering 2nd dose of Pfizer vaccine

Oman’s Ministry of Health has started the second dose of the Pfizer BioNtech vaccine from today. The second jab of the inoculation that was delayed slightly has begun for the target group comprising of those in the medical field as well as those with specific health impairments among the general public group.

Accordingly, and as per directives from the Ministry of Health, the target group among the general community was identified as those over 65 years of age and with diabetes as well as those with chronic lung disease or suffering from kidney failure.

Among the health care workers, the target group comprises of those working in the ICU, staff working in COVID-19 wards, and those medical staff who have diabetes, chronic lung disease, those requiring dialysis as well as those whose BMI is more than or equal to 40.


Gulf News

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