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GCC CountriesOmanTravel

Oman: Arrivals in nation shoot up 400% in 2022

The number of people arriving in Oman has shot up by more than 400 percent in February 2022 compared to the same month a year ago.

122,000 people came to Oman in February 2022 compared to just 23,000 in 2021, reflecting a 432.4 percent increase in arrivals to the country, according to figures published by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI). Nationals of the other five GCC countries (UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain) accounted for 45,148 people (36.9 percent) entering Oman, while Indian nationals accounted for 12.7 percent of the arrivals.

Hotels rated three-to-five stars witnessed an increase of over 125.09 percent in earnings.


Times of Oman
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