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GCC CountriesOman

Oman allows reoperation of Boeing Max 737

Oman’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) yesterday announced the 737 MAX aircraft is permitted to return to service to and from Oman’s airports.

As per the safety circular number 3/2021, CAA requires the airlines wishing to operate the aforementioned aircraft to meet all airworthiness and training requirements.

The CAA also indicated that aviation safety is a top priority for Oman and that Oman was one of the first countries in the world to suspend the operation of this aircraft in March 2019.

The decision to allow the operation of Boeing Max 737 came in coordination with the international community in the field of civil aviation and after ensuring that Boeing meets all the necessary measures and requirement for fight safety. This was based on the success of tests and inspections conducted by Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in America and also on the approval of European Safety Agency and civil aviation authorities of many countries.


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