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GCC CountriesBahrainTravel

Oman: 88 Expats Deported and 45 Arrested

The Ministry of Manpower, represented by an inspection team in Muscat, deported 88 expat workers and arrested 45 more for violation of laws in Muscat governorate.

A statement issued online by the Ministry of Manpower said: “The Ministry, during the period February 2 – 8, 2020, deported 88 violating workers who were arrested during inspection campaigns to implement the provisions of the Labour Laws and the regulation of the labour market.”

The Ministry affirmed the need to abide by the laws and the ministerial decisions implemented.

The statement further said, “The Ministry, represented by the joint inspection team in Muscat, carried out an inspection campaign at Mawaleh Central Market of vegetables and fruits, and neighboring stores where 45 workers have been arrested for violation of the Labour Law.” 


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