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NSSA holds NASA Space Apps Challenge for university, high school students

The National Space Science Agency (NSSA) joined, the global space community in holding the NASA Space Apps Challenge, under the title “Take Action”, coordinated by NASA. The invitation was accepted by university and high school students.

The criteria on which judges rated the competing teams included impact (scale of practical value), creativity (degree of innovation of solution proposed), validity (scientific workability), relevance (degree of responsiveness to the challenge at hand); and presentation (how effectively team communicated project intent, design and necessity).

The team of high school girls who called their work Plant-It, emerged as the winners. They received plaques and certificates. All other participants were acknowledged with e-certificates.

The event was made possible through the leadership of the National Space Agency in collaboration with Clever Play – the lead host for Bahrain’s leg of the event.

As present challenges continue to point outwards for a more comprehensive solution for sustaining people and planet, no doubt the need to inspire the youth to take up the cause of space science and use the best of technology to solve problems is ripe as ever, the agency said. 


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