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WorldSaudi Arabia

Non-Saudis banned from publishing ads on social media

The General Commission for Audiovisual Media has issued a circular banning non-Saudis from publishing advertisements on social media.

The commission noted that the practice of posting ads on social media by those who do not have a license for it is a violation of Saudi Arabia’s Labor Law, as well as the rules for dealing with expatriates.

The commission issued the directive in line with the tasks entrusted to it as per the Kingdom’s Audiovisual Media Law to control violations with regard to advertising.

The commission monitored the violations of a number of non-Saudi advertisers, including expatriates and visitors on social media platforms. When their data was verified, it was found that they had committed legal violations as they did not obtain commercial registrations or legal licenses and they are not working under any commercial entity. Also, they do not possess any foreign investment licenses.


Saudi Gazette
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