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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia: No refund for cancelling exit and re-entry visas

People who cancel the exit and re-entry visas cannot get a refund of the fees they have paid, The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) confirmed.

The Jawazat said that it is also not possible to amend the exit and re-entry visas by the beneficiary, but can only be canceled through the employer’s Absher platform.

Exit and re-entry visas fees cannot be refunded in the event of its cancellation, even if the beneficiary has reissued the same visa, the Jawazat confirmed.

It is noteworthy that the Jawazat had announced earlier that the workers’ final-exit visas cannot be canceled during their probationary period.

The Jawazat reiterated that it is not allowed to convert visit visas into residency permits (iqama).


Saudi Gazette

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