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GCC CountriesBahrain

No Shortage of Food Commodities in Bahrain – BCCI

Food commodities are sufficiently available in the markets during this period,” said Head of the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI) Food Wealth Committee, Khalid Al- Amin.

He explained that the Kingdom’s strategic stock of food is within safe limits with higher orders to supply more food.

Al-Amin added that the food traders in the Kingdom provide food and stores on a regular basis, as food is imported from abroad by air, sea, and land on a regular basis which, he noted, helps to preserve the Kingdom’s needs.

Head of the BCCI’s Food Wealth Committee had previously expected that the strategic plan for food security would contribute to providing 30 to 50% of food security in Bahrain during the early stages of its implementation, and the proportion may increase according to its productive development.

It is noteworthy that people started buying large quantities of food to be stored fearing from rumored a soon-to-happen curfew in line with the breakout of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country.


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