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Nearly 60,000 expats repatriated by Dadabhai Travel

As travel restrictions continue across the globe, more and more people struggle to go back to the comforts of their home countries. Amid the pandemic, Dadabhai Travel has taken the lead in helping people reunite with their families and loved ones through their reliable chartered flights.

In this mission, Dadabhai Travel has helped over 58,173 people on more than 120 flights to get back to their families. Just recently, the agency has operated 100 exclusive chartered flights from Saudi Arabia. Sixty of these chartered flights were on the Kingdom’s national carrier. No other travel agency has managed to operate such number of exclusive chartered flights in the country.

The highest standard of quality that the agency is providing is evident in the number of flights they’ve been able to organize. “We are reliable, transparent and we go the extra mile. At the end of the day, the passenger doesn’t have to worry about anything as we always get the job done in the best way possible. Their only concern should be getting home safe and being with their loved ones; every other responsibility is ours”, Adnan Gilitwala, Director of Dadabhai Travel said.

At the time of writing, Dadabhai Travel has repatriated over 13,096 travellers from Bahrain. Six chartered flights were operated in the country.

Furthermore, over 100 flights have been operated in Saudi Arabia and more than 22,159 travellers have flown back to their home countries.

Meanwhile, over 2,118 people have been repatriated from Kuwait and three chartered flights have been operated so far.

In the UAE, over 19,000 passengers have been repatriated to their home countries. A total of 10 chartered flights have been operated. The agency has been able to set another milestone when they successfully operated a flight from the UAE to Bagdogra Airport (India). It was the first time in the aviation history of Bagdogra that an international flight landed in their airport.

Repatriations foster a sense of collaboration and camaraderie wherein different types of businesses come together to take care of people. “We’ve been more than happy to reunite people with their loved ones. We are looking forward to countries opening their borders and flight schedules becoming more regular”, Adnan shared.

These are tough times – nevertheless, Dadabhai Travel will continue setting a great example of how travel agencies should be operating amid the pandemic and beyond.

To know more about the latest updates on Dadabhai Travel, visit their Instagram, Facebook or website.


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