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NASA rover lands on Mars to look for signs of ancient life

American Space Agency NASA has confirmed the touchdown of the Persevere rover on the surface of Mars. With the rover, a part of a meteorite that originated from the red planet and was found in Oman in 1999, has returned home.

NASA said: “The Countdown To Mars is complete, but the mission is just beginning. Touchdown confirmed,”

“After 203 days and 300 million miles, our NASA Persevere landed on Mars at 3:55 p.m. EST on Feb. 18. After spending some time checking out its systems, it’ll be rolling across the Red Planet, looking for signs of ancient Martian life,” NASA added.

According to Oman Astronomic Society, within the Persevere is a Martian meteorite ‘Sayh al Uhaymir- 008’ that was found in Al Wusta Governorate in the Sultanate in 1999, which has now returned to its original home on Thursday.

An interactive map to zoom in and explore the landing site is available here: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/mission/where-is-the-rover/

And for a ground-level view, the first images are here, with many more to come in the days ahead: https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/multimedia/raw-images/



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