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GCC CountriesBahrain

Mysterious Death of Seabirds in Bahrain

Citizens and residents expressed their concerns about the death of a large number of local migratory seabirds. They told that these types of birds are usually seen on the beaches in general and were seen dead near villages Al-Ekker, Nabih Saleh, Tubli, Jidali, and Ma’amir.

Residents of these areas wondered if the death of these large number of birds were due to the spread of bird flu.

They noted that this phenomenon was observed more than two weeks ago and stressed that it cannot be ignored by official authorities. They expressed fear that the birds have a type of bird flu and the flu was contagious.

They called on the Supreme Council for the Environment and the environmental community to uncover the cause of bird deaths on the coasts and take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of infection to the rest of the birds before it causes an environmental disaster.


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