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Saudi Arabia

Minimum wage for Saudis raised to SR4,000

Saudi Minister of Human Resources and Social Development Ahmed Al-Rajhi has issued a decision to raise the minimum wage for Saudis registered in the Nitaqat program from SR3,000 ($800) to SR4,000.

A Saudi worker with a minimum salary of SR4,000 will be considered as one worker in the Saudization percentage of the Nitaqat program, which was introduced to promote localization of the workforce.

A Saudi employee earning SR3,000 or more but less than SR4,000 will only earn the company half a point in the point-based system. Those earning less than SR3,000 will not be counted at all.

Part-time Saudi employees will gain a company half point in the Nitaqat system. Flexible work system employees are calculated in the percentage of the Nitaqat program as one-third of a Saudi worker for the entity they work for, provided that they complete a total of 168 working hours and pay social insurance contributions.

The decision also applies to Saudi students residing in the Kingdom who regularly work part-time as flexible work system employees, or permanent part-time workers.


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