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GCC CountriesPeople & Culture

Middle East’s First VR Art Exhibit on Mental Health Launched Today

Safer Spaces is a collective consciousness art exhibition that aims to normalize and spark conversation around the topic of mental health in the Arab world.

Comprised of an epic collection of 70 artworks, created by 19 emerging artists based in the GCC, the show aims to explore and portray one of the most vulnerable, intimate spaces to exist: the mind. Originally planned to be held at The Art Space gallery in the Kingdom of Bahrain, the team behind the show has adapted with the tides, and Safer Spaces has evolved into a regional phenomenon now being held in virtual reality.

When the idea of Safer Spaces was originally conceived in February 2020, it was in response to the arid lack of acknowledgement for the mental health conversation in the region. Fast forward to the present where it is no longer safe to leave the house, Safer Spaces is no longer a radical, contemporary project – it is necessary.

Safer Spaces is now launched to the global public. The exhibition can be accessed via The Art Space’s website.


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