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Meta Rolls Out Long-Sought Tools To Separate Ads From Harmful Content

Meta Platforms Inc (META.O) said on Thursday it is now rolling out a long-promised system for advertisers to determine where their ads are shown, responding to their demands to distance their marketing from controversial posts on Facebook and Instagram.

The system offers advertisers three risk levels they can select for their ad placements, with the most conservative option excluding placements above or below posts with sensitive content like weapons depictions, sexual innuendo and political debates.

Meta also will provide a report via advertising measurement firm Zefr showing Facebook advertisers the precise content that appeared near their ads and how it was categorized.

The controls will be available initially in English- and Spanish-speaking markets, with plans to expand them to other regions – and to the company’s Reels, Stories and video ad formats – later this year.


Bahrain News Agency

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