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Israel Launches Largest Military Assault in West Bank in Years

Israel on Monday began a large-scale military raid including drone strikes and hundreds of troops in the northern occupied West Bank, killing eight Palestinians in what the army labelled an “extensive counterterrorism effort”.

The operation under the hard-right government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the biggest of its kind in years, with bulldozers, armoured vehicles and unmanned aerial vehicles. An AFP correspondent in Jenin said troops were inside the camp and also around the city. There were gun battles, explosions, and Palestinians threw rocks at Israeli troops, the correspondent reported.

Israel had already stepped up operations in the northern West Bank, home to Jenin city and its adjacent refugee camp, which is a stronghold of Palestinian armed groups and where there has been a spate of attacks on Israelis as well as attacks by Jewish settlers on Palestinian communities

The Palestinian health ministry said that in Monday’s operation, eight people were killed – exceeding the toll of seven from an Israeli army raid in the Jenin refugee camp two weeks ago which saw rare use of helicopter missile fire. Fifty others were injured including 10 who were in serious condition, the ministry said. 

“There is bombing from the air and an invasion from the ground,” Mahmoud al-Saadi, director of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin, told AFP. “Several houses and sites have been bombed… smoke is rising from everywhere.”

The Israeli army said its forces had struck a “joint operations centre”, which served as a command post for the “Jenin Brigade”, a local militant group. The area is nominally under the control of President Mahmud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority, which has partial administrative control in the West Bank.

The army said it targeted an “observation and reconnaissance” site, as well as a weapons storage facility and a hideout for those alleged to have carried out attacks on Israeli targets in recent months. “We are striking the terrorism hub (of Jenin) with great strength,” Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen told reporters in Jerusalem.

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France 24

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