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London’s Oxford Street on High Alert as TikTok Calls for Criminal Activities at JD Sports Go Viral

London’s Oxford Street is on high alert as social media posts calling for criminal activities, including theft and vandalism, at JD Sports have gone viral on TikTok. The Metropolitan Police has increased patrols in the area amid concerns that large groups of youths may gather to cause trouble. Security staff are preparing for potential disorder, fearing a repeat of previous incidents where shops were vandalized, police officers assaulted, and chaos ensued. A dispersal order has been implemented to ban individuals from the area during this period.

Mayor Sadiq Khan expressed concern about the TikTok trend and advised against visiting Oxford Street due to potential crime risks. He assured the public that the police are working diligently with local communities and retailers to maintain safety in the area.

The Met Police has deployed additional personnel, including mounted officers, to address any disturbances effectively. They have warned that anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated and encouraged people to report any suspicious activity.

Retailers in Oxford Street have been informed by New West End Company (NWEC) that youth-aged individuals between 16 and 25 are likely participants in today’s anticipated mayhem. NWEC pledged increased security presence to support efforts by law enforcement.

Oxford Street has become a target for social media stunts, with infamous figure Mizzy previously leading disruptive acts at Primark stores. Mizzy gained online attention through various filmed pranks but was subsequently issued a two-year criminal behaviour order after breaching privacy rights when filming members of the public without consent.

Mizzy’s followers engaged in destructive behaviour within Primark premises while he encouraged them loudly. This incident highlights how social media influencers can influence their followers negatively.
Mizzy is scheduled for another court appearance following his failure to comply with a court order last week.

Authorities remain vigilant as they work closely with partners such as NWEC and urge anyone witnessing suspicious or criminal activity related to these events to contact emergency services promptly or report non-emergency matters through designated channels.


Daily Mail

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