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Late Bahrain Inmate Used To Suffer From Chronic Diseases, Received Full Medical Care: Reports

Inmate Hussain Khalil Ebrahim Kadhem, whose death was announced today, had fallen unconscious while playing football and was then transferred to the medical clinic of the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre in Jau, the government hospitals said.

They asserted that the late Hussain Khalil Ebrahim Kadhem used to receive full medical care under their supervision, like other inmates.

Upon his arrival at the centre’s medical clinic, the medical team performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and as there was no response, he was transferred by ambulance to the hospital, where his death was announced, the government hospitals said, noting that the cause of death was determined to be cardiorespiratory arrest.

The Government Hospitals indicated that the deceased’s medical record documents the regular follow-up on his health condition, as it shows that he had received as many as 201 medical reviews between April 30, 2018, and March 25, 2024, both at the medical clinic of the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre and the Salmaniya Medical Complex.

He had been examined by about ten consultants at the medical clinic of the Reformation and Rehabilitation Centre, the Government Hospitals said, adding that he had also been examined four times by a dentist, the last of which was on March 16, 2024.

The late inmate had been suffering for a long time from some chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, in addition to a hereditary skin disease, the symptoms of which were monitored periodically and the necessary treatment was duly provided, the Government Hospitals added.

The government hospitals stressed their commitment to providing integrated health care to all inmates in all medical specialties, based on their responsibilities to deliver comprehensive care for all in accordance with approved international health protocols and standards.

The Government Hospitals extended deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased, praying to Allah the Almighty to bless them with patience and solace.



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