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Kuwait’s vaccination rate for citizens six-times that of expats

Kuwait’s vaccinating its citizens against Covid-19 at six times the rate of expatriates who make up two-thirds of the population, spurring claims of racism and concerns the discrepancy will delay a return to normal life.

Around 119,000 Kuwaitis and 18,000 expats have been vaccinated, according to the latest data, despite more than half of those registered for a jab being foreign.

Overall, Kuwait has administered 3.7 shots per 100 people for a population of about 4.5 million. That’s a higher rate than in Saudi Arabia but way below neighbouring United Arab Emirates on 48 doses per 100 among a mostly expatriate 10 million people.

Officials at the Health Ministry couldn’t immediately be reached for comment. Kuwait has said it’s facing a second wave of infections and increased fatalities over the last two weeks.


Arabian Business

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