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Kuwait’s parliamentary election on September 29

Kuwait will hold a parliamentary election on Thursday, September 29. This comes after the Gulf state’s crown prince moved to dissolve Parliament in an attempt to resolve a political stand-off between the government and the elected legislature.

New districts will be added to the electoral map, according to a royal decree issued on Sunday.

Crown Prince Sheikh Meshal officially dissolved Parliament earlier this month. Under Kuwait’s constitution, general elections must be held within two months after Parliament is dissolved.

Sheikh Meshal later issued a decree forming a new government led by Sheikh Ahmad Nawaf Al Sabah, the son of the ruling emir, comprising 12 ministers.

Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf and Sheikh Meshal issued a warning that “there are dangers and crises surrounding the country from every side” after dissolving the national assembly.

Candidates wishing to run for a parliamentary seat must be of Kuwaiti nationality and of Kuwaiti origin — and at least 30 years of age.


The National

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