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Kuwait’s new parliament to meet on October 11

Kuwait’s newly elected parliament will convene on October 11, the Cabinet has said after endorsing a decree calling on the legislature to meet.

Kuwaitis elected a new parliament on Thursday. Twenty-two women were among the 305 candidates who competed in National Assembly elections for the 50-seat body.

Of the 50 seats, 28 were won by opposition candidates. Twenty MPs lost their seats, including three former ministers.

The new parliament will see the return of women after two years without a female MP. Jenan Bushehri and Alia Al Khaled were elected as part of the opposition.

The budget, which has to be voted on before November, has set spending at 23.65 billion dinars ($77.2bn) compared with 23.48bn dinars in the 2021-22 budget.


The National
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