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Kuwait’s Largest Ever Illegal Liquor Factory Uncovered in Abdali Farms

Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior exposed the largest illicit liquor manufacturing facility in the country’s history, reaffirming the nation’s commitment to safeguarding its youth from criminal elements seeking to permeate society.

Operating from a concealed location within Abdali farms, the expansive factory was under the management of six individuals of Asian nationality. The General Directorate of Criminal Investigation, led by the Capital Governorate Investigation Department, played a pivotal role in the operation.

After meticulous daily surveillance and intensive investigative operations, the Directorate pinpointed a farm in the Abdali area that was serving as the manufacturing hub for local liquor production. With the necessary legal permissions in place, a decisive raid was conducted on the facility, effectively dismantling the largest production facility of its kind in Kuwait’s history.

During the operation, authorities discovered an extensive array of manufacturing equipment, including 236 barrels employed for fermentation, and a stockpile of ready-for-sale bottles. All the individuals involved and the seized items were promptly handed over to the competent authority to initiate the necessary legal proceedings against them.

In an official statement, the Ministry confirmed that the accused individuals, along with the seized items, are now in the custody of the competent authority, ready to face the necessary legal repercussions for their actions.


Gulf News
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