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Kuwait’s Health Ministry Launches Free Home Diabetes Monitor Distribution

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has started issuing home diabetes monitors to diabetic patients in primary healthcare centres, reports Al-Jarida Daily. Director of the Central Department of Primary Healthcare in the ministry Dr Dina Al-Dabaib stated in a circular to the heads of primary healthcare centres that this step is in line with the strategic and executive plan to prevent chronic noncommunicable diseases by improving the quality of health services provided to patients with diabetes and chronic diseases, while reducing pressure on diabetes clinics in public hospitals.

The circular also indicated that the conditions for issuance of the home diabetes monitor are as follows:
1: The patient must be of Kuwaiti nationality,
2: His/Her address on the civil ID card must match while issuing the form
3: He/She has type I or type II diabetes
4: Uses three or more insulin injections daily
5: More than 65 years old
6: Have had diabetes for more than five years
7: He/She must not have previously applied.

Regarding the method of disbursement, the circular confirmed that the application must be approved by the authorized treating physician, head of the centre, and his representative or a consultant physician.


Arab Times

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