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Kuwaitisation: Over 80% of government agencies localised in three years

Kuwait’s Civil Service Commission announced that since 2017, 13 out of 16 governmental agencies have achieved Kuwaitisation, a governmental policy aimed at shifting the public sector workforce balance so 100 percent of jobs are held by Kuwaitis, Al Qabas reported.

Out of the 13 agencies, nine have achieved a 95 percent Kuwaiti workforce within 3 years.

According to a report by the Civil Service Commission, around 79 percent of all employees working in the public sector are Kuwaitis, bringing them to a total of 297,335. As for expats, they make up 21 percent of the workforce with 34,347 expats working in the public sector.

As of December 2019, there were 120,000 expats, out of the 3 million residing in Kuwait, working in the public sector. While the majority of expats work in the private sector, 90 per cent of the 1.4 million Kuwaiti citizens work in the public sector.


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