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Kuwaiti Team Develops PCR Solution for Coronavirus Testing

A Kuwaiti medical team developed a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) solution to be used for coronavirus tests, a surgeon said.

This new technique has “excellent” diagnostic results which would have a qualitative leap, said Dr. Salman Al-Sabah, head of Surgical Department at Jaber Al-Ahmad Hospital, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.

He said the World Health Organization (WHO) considered the PCR test the most accurate against COVID-19, and it required taking a sample of the patient and blending it with the PCR solution.

Al-Sabah said countries around the world were struggling to obtain this costly solution coupled with specialized companies’ inability to honour these countries’ needs.

The team has started the initial production phase and the next stage would be the acceleration of production to honour domestic demands. The production of this solution is expected to save large amounts of money and avoid late deliveries from abroad.


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