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Kuwaiti Prosecuted For Impersonating Renowned Family On ‘X’ Platform

In a recent development, the Criminal Court has pressed charges against a young man accused of impersonating the surname of a Kuwaiti family and adding it to his name without legal authorization. The charges also include the individual’s use of ‘X’ (Twitter) to post tweets that allegedly defamed and caused social embarrassment to the family.

The accused, appearing before the court, asserted his affiliation with a well-known tribe, defending his right to incorporate the family name into his own, even if it is not officially documented in his records. In his defence, he pointed to a former member of the National Assembly who shares the same name and claimed that this precedent justifies his actions.

Furthermore, the defendant is seeking compensation of KD5001 against the plaintiff, alleging that the legal action taken against him has caused harm. The court will now deliberate on the charges and the counterclaim, examining the legal and social implications of the alleged impersonation and defamation case.


Arab Times Online

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