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Kuwaiti Official, Expat Jailed for Seven Years in Salary Fraud Case

The Criminal Court of Kuwait has handed down a seven-year prison sentence to a government official found guilty of organizing a sophisticated salary fraud scheme.

The official, whose name and position were not disclosed, has also been dismissed from his job following the conviction.

The court established that the official had engaged in a fraudulent practice where he ceased attending his workplace and instead, in a clear breach of trust, paid an Iranian clerk to sign in on his behalf using fingerprint moulds.

This act enabled the official to claim salaries amounting to KD37,000 (Dh440,000) illegally. The Iranian expat clerk was complicit in the scheme, using the provided fingerprint moulds, job file number, and password to falsify the official’s daily attendance records.

The Iranian expatriate has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

Additionally, the pair has been ordered to jointly pay a fine of KD113,000, a figure that more than triples the embezzled amount, as a punitive and deterrent measure.

Ambassador Mahmoud said discussions are underway to sign a memorandum of understanding for the recruitment of domestic workers from Kenya.

She expressed optimism that the agreement would be finalised and signed shortly. This progress comes despite the absence of a formal labour agreement between Kenya and Kuwait, and the delay in signing is attributed to changes in Nairobi’s Council of Ministers, which led to the rescheduling of the Kenyan Foreign Minister’s visit to Kuwait.

One of the key agreements in discussion includes the recruitment of domestic workers, alongside establishing a direct flight line between the two countries. This agreement has been reached and is awaiting the green light for its implementation.

The Ambassador affirmed the positive consensus and cooperation between Kuwait and Kenya on these matters, highlighting the potential for strengthened bilateral relations and mutual benefits.


Gulf News

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