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Kuwaiti Ministry Announces New Residency Visa Rule for Expats

The Ministry of Interior issued a statement on social media explaining that expats must settle debts owed to the Government before they can renew residency permits.

The new rules are effective immediately, from Sunday, September 10.

The new residency rules are based on the directives of the Acting Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, Sheikh Talal Khalid Al-Ahmad Al Sabah.

The country has been cracking down on expat debt by introducing a series of new guidelines as it looks to regain money owed to the state.

Recent travel restrictions have been imposed on expats in Kuwait, meaning they must now settle outstanding telephone, electricity, water and traffic bills before they can leave the country for any reason.

Updating residency permits has been added to the list. Expats in the country will not be able to update or renew residency documentation until after they have paid outstanding money owed.

The Ministry of Interior said expats wishing to renew residency must first pay off debts using official state agency websites or the Sahl mobile application.

It also called on all individuals to adhere to the new laws, saying it will not hesitate to take further action to maintain security and public order in the country.


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