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Kuwait: Woman gets infected with COVID-19 twice

Amidst growing fears of a second wave of a coronavirus pandemic, and conflicting statements over whether cured coronavirus patients could be once again infected, a Kuwaiti woman confirmed that she contracted the coronavirus infection twice, reports Al-Nahar daily.

Lawyer Sana Al-Shammari spoke against the impossibility of re-infection in response to the claim that a patient can acquire immunity against the virus. According to Sana, tests confirmed that she was infected for the second time more than two and a half months after the first infection in June.

She asked the Minister of Health about the possibility of reinfection with the virus or the re-emergence of its symptoms in the infected person for several months, after confirming that she did not get back her sense of taste and smell after losing it from the date of her first COVID-19 test in June.

Kuwait has made preparations for a potential second wave of the new coronavirus since the partial curfew was lifted to allow the country’s economy and life to return to normal, and part of the plan is the recruitment of medical workers from abroad to support their Kuwaiti counterparts.


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