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Kuwait withdraws 3,000 driving licences from expats in a week

Kuwait’s General Directorate of Traffic has announced that about 3,000 expat driving licences were revoked in one week due to violation of conditions on which they were granted.

According to the traffic department, 3,000 expat driving licences have been revoked. The licences that have been revoked are due to work permit changes or people moving to different occupations; as a result, they no longer meet one of the requirements, either related to work profession or remuneration.

The decision comes following the instructions of the First Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Al Khaled to reopen expat driver’s licence files.

It will take at least two months to review every licence. If the requirements are not satisfied, the licences will be revoked and the owner will be summoned. The Kuwait Mobile ID and Sahel programme will block the licence if the owner doesn’t turn it over. If it is discovered that he is continuing to use the car even though his driving privileges have been suspended, he will be dealt with legally and deported from Kuwait for breaking the law.


Gulf News
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