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Kuwait uses drones for walking alert during partial curfew

Kuwaiti authorities are using drones to alert people on a temporary walking limit set during a partial curfew imposed to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Earlier this week, the Kuwaiti government shortened the daily curfew to 11 hours running from 6pm to 5am, including two hours for walking. Restaurants were also allowed to serve deliver orders from 6pm to 10pm. The new rules went into effect on Tuesday.

People are permitted to go outdoors for walking in the evening for two hours from 6 to 8pm.

The Interior Ministry has turned to drones to advise members of the public to stick to the walking schedule.

Exercising is allowed during the two-hour limit while riding motorbikes, bicycles or scooters are banned, security sources said.

People are allowed to walk inside their own residential neighbourhoods only.

In recent months, Kuwait has seen a surge in COVID-19 cases, prompting authorities to impose restrictions and expedite vaccinations against the potentially fatal ailments.


Gulf News

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