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Saudi ArabiaKuwait

Kuwait: Two Saudis Sentenced to 7 Years for Impersonating Missing Kuwaiti Since 1995

The Criminal Court in Kuwait has sentenced two Saudi nationals to seven years in prison each for fraudulently assuming the identity of a Kuwaiti citizen who has been missing since 1995.

The defendants faced charges of forging Kuwaiti nationality and civil ID documents. During the trial, when the judge inquired about the whereabouts of the Kuwaiti individual they were accused of impersonating, the first defendant brazenly claimed, “I am the original person.”

Challenged further by the judge on where they had been all this time, the defendant claimed to have been “a traveler between countries.”

The second defendant faced similar questioning regarding the location and status of the missing Kuwaiti. In a bold assertion mirroring the first defendant, they claimed, “I am this person, and I was living outside Kuwait.”


Gulf News

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