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Kuwait tops in Global Food Security Index among GCC states

Kuwait ranked first in the Middle East for its food security, according to the latest Global Food Security Index published by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

Out of 113 countries, Kuwait was ranked 33rd overall and scored 70.7 based on affordability, availability, quality and safety.

Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE are only a few points away from Kuwait.

The Ministry of Trade provides all Kuwaitis with subsidised food necessities ranging from rice and bread to oil and chicken. A ration card is given to each Kuwaiti home and the amount differs depending on the number of people in the household.

Based on the index, the prevalence of undernourishment is estimated to be around 2.5 per cent. Programs like the ration cards help struggling families get food at a low cost, thus eliminating the chance of malnutrition.


Gulf News
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