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Kuwait to witness massive heatwave in coming days

The meteorological department expects a massive heatwave in the coming days, with temperatures to exceed 50 degrees Celsius. Recently, Kuwait recorded the highest temperature on earth, as the mercury hit 52.7 degrees Celsius in the shade in Jahra governorate.

“We are in the period that is the hottest for the entire world,” Kuwaiti astronomer Adel Al-Saadoun said, adding temperatures will start to drop in September. The Arabian Gulf region witnesses a significant rise in temperatures during summer, with severe heatwaves that last for several days.

Al-Ojairi Scientific Center announced on Sunday that on Tuesday, Kuwait will witness 14 hours and two minutes of daytime, as opposed to nine hours and 58 minutes of nighttime. Public Relations Director at Al-Ojairi Scientific Center Khaled Al-Jamaan said this phenomenon happens due to Kuwait’s unique geographic location in the north of the Gulf region.

“This happens every year because of the sunlight movement reaching its maximum extent in the northern half of the globe,” he added. He pointed out that the sun is at its highest point these days and will gradually wane from July 5.


Kuwait Times
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