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Kuwait to take action against ‘public indecency’ on social media

Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior said it will not tolerate violation of public decency and morality, vowing to punish Kuwaiti and expatriate celebrities who publish indecent pictures or videos through social media platforms, local media reported.

The statement issued by the ministry’s Public Ethics and Cybercrime Department follows the arrest of an Iranian fashionista for publishing indecent pictures on social media. The ministry will deport her in 72 hours.

Authorities also arrested a Kuwaiti Fashionista and her husband after she posted a clip on the social media, saying the clip contains unacceptable overtones, contrary to public decency and morals.

Arabic paper Al Anba said authorities issued clear instructions to immediately deport expatriates who violate the decency code to their respective countries. Also, their names will be added to the list of persons barred from entering the country.


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