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Kuwait to resume recruitment of Filipino domestic workers

As of March 15, recruitment of domestic workers from the Philippines will resume according to Bassam Al Shammari, a representative of the labour recruitment offices.

Al Shammari stated that the Philippine Union discussed the matter with the recruitment offices in Kuwait and have finalized the new regulations regarding contracts.

He pointed out that any employer that has a history of employment issues or non-commitment to pay salaries will be barred from recruitment.

The decision comes after the Philippines enforced a ban on sending new domestic workers to Kuwait back in January 3, 2020, after a Filipino domestic worker was sexually abused and killed by her employer.

Al Shammari explained that the Philippine Union emphasized that the contract should include end-of-service payment which is based off of a month’s salary. The payment will be given prior to their departure, which should include a return flight ticket.


Gulf News

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