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Kuwait to reopen airport, new health precautions announced

As Kuwait prepares to reopen its airport after a 10-day halt, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) announced the health measures put in place.

Travelers looking to return to Kuwait will need to conduct a PCR test up to 96 hours prior to their departure, register on the ‘Shlonik’ application and quarantine at home for 14-days upon arrival.

As for those leaving Kuwait, passengers must register on the ‘Kuwait Mosafer’ platform and conduct a PCR test if necessary depending on rules of the country they are flying to. In addition, Kuwaiti travelers will need to also obtain health insurance and sign a pledge form via the Kuwait Mosafer’ platform.

On December 21, the Kuwaiti government announced in less than 12 hours the airport and borders were to close, thus leaving several Kuwaiti and residents stranded. In an effort to return all the Kuwaiti stranded abroad, a source told Al Qabas that a proposal was submitted today to request additional flights to fly to countries where many Kuwaiti citizens are stranded like Turkey, Dubai, Doha and London.


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