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Kuwait to Increase Electricity and Water Bills by 50%

Kuwait’s electricity and water ministry will increase electricity and water tariffs by 50 percent this year, according to an executive study.

The price rise will be implemented upon the approval of the Kuwait National Assembly.

“The executive study to increase prices of electricity and water has been ready for some time, but the government’s resignation delayed its implementation,” the report said, citing sources.

Citizens will be exempted from this increase in their private homes, the report said, however, their investment and commercial properties will be subject to the increases.

The ministry reportedly said that the increase is necessary as global energy prices continue to rise, as well as “the burden it represents on the ministry’s budget and public funds,” according to the sources.

The upcoming increase will be applied to citizens who own more than one house, “as the old prices will only be applied to their first home,” the sources said.

“There are government fears that the National Assembly will reject this increase, but the government will fight for its approval, especially since the constitutional court’s decision to annul the parliament might change the political scene,” the sources added.

It is still unclear that expatriate workers will be impacted from the price hike, with sources denying the same.

“Fears about the exodus of skilled expatriate workers due to the increase in electricity and water prices are not justified, as the increase is global and has occurred in many countries,” they said.


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