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Kuwait to get 1 million Pfizer vaccines doses by end of 2020

After leading drug-maker Pfizer and biotechnology firm BioNTech announced on Monday that the COVID-19 vaccine they are working has proven to be more than 90 per cent effective, Kuwait’s Ministry of Health stated that it has ordered around one million doses, local media reported.

A source told Al Rai the vaccines are expected to arrive in Kuwait in batches, with around 150,000 arriving by the end of 2020 if approved by then.

Another source told Al Qabas the decision to import the vaccine will depend on Pfizer obtaining official approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

According to the New York Times, Pfizer is planning on asking the FDA for emergency approval later this month.

The first batch of vaccines will be reserved for the elderly, individuals with chronic diseases and frontline workers, the source added.


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