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Kuwait: Three new countries added to travel ban

The Cabinet of Ministers has added three new countries to the list of countries that are barred from entering Kuwait, Al Qabas reported.

France, Argentina and Yemen are the latest countries to be added to the travel ban, bringing the total to 34 as Singapore was removed from the list.

A government source told Al Qabas that the decision came as there is an increase in COVID-19 cases in the country.

The decision does not affect nationality, rather it is based on if a person traveled or visited a ‘high risk’ country. Nationals from the barred countries are able to enter Kuwait but are required to quarantine 14 days in a non-banned country before arriving in Kuwait.

Upon arrival, all passengers, citizens and residents, are required to conduct a PCR test up to 96 hours prior to arriving in Kuwait. In addition, all travelers arriving in Kuwait need to quarantine for 14-days from the day of their arrival.


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