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Kuwait Temporarily Halts Issuance of Work Visas for Egyptian Nationals

Kuwait has temporarily halted the issuance of work visas for Egyptian nationals, citing reliable sources from the Ministry of Interior and the Public Authority for Manpower.

This decision, effective from April 23, follows the recent resumption of visa services and is aimed at introducing stricter oversight measures in the visa issuance process.

The suspension is attributed to a series of employer complaints suggesting undue pressure from certain Egyptian authorities to secure insurance for workers through non-Kuwaiti companies, raising questions about the transparency and integrity of the recruitment practices.

The Kuwaiti authorities, including the Public Authority for Manpower and the Ministry of Interior, stressed that they are now focusing on tightening recruitment protocols. They are prioritising candidates who possess advanced degrees and specialised skills relevant to Kuwait’s labour market needs.

The policy adjustment comes as part of Kuwait’s broader strategy to refine the recruitment process, improve transparency, and ensure that the influx of foreign workers aligns with the nation’s workforce requirements.


Gulf News

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